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Social Marketing Influencing Behaviors for Good: A Free PDF Guide

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Since 2002, Nancy has coauthored 13 books with Philip Kotler, distinguished professor of International Marketing at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management who first introduced the term "social marketing" in a pioneering article in the Journal of Marketing in early 1970s.

social marketing influencing behaviors for good free pdf

Kotler and Lee have over many years developed the concept of social marketing as a practical set of principles that can be applied to inform and augment programmes that seek to influence positive social behaviour.

The book provides an invaluable overview of real examples of the contribution that social marketing principles can make across a broad range of social challenges. The book helpfully uses a consistent strategic presentation framework based on social marketing principles to tell the story of the cases set out in the book. This consistent and helpful framework helps to emphasize the power of social marketing to help shape, develop, deliver, and evaluate social interest programmes. This book is a fantastic addition to the social marketing literature and is an invaluable guide to how it can enhance both the effectiveness and efficiency of such programmes.

This is the definitive textbook for the planning and implementation of programs designedto bring about social change. The authors take key marketing principles and show readers how to apply them to campaigns and efforts to improve health, decrease injuries, protect the environment, build communities, and enhance financial well-being. Social marketing has grown in its sophistication and application to a wider array of social problems, and the Fourth Edition captures the momentum and excitement of this burgeoning field.

Behavior change is central to the pursuit of sustainability. This book details how to use community-based social marketing to motivate environmental protection behaviors as diverse as water and energy efficiency, alternative transportation, and watershed protection. With case studies of innovative programs from around the world, including the

United States, Canada Australia, Spain, and Jordan, the authors present a clear process for motivating social change for both residential and commercial audiences. The case studies plainly illustrate realistic conservation applications for both work and home and show how community-based social marketing can be harnessed to foster more sustainable communities.

In Up and Out of Poverty, legendary marketing expert Philip Kotler and social marketing innovator Nancy Lee consider poverty from a powerful new viewpoint: that of the marketer. Kotler and Lee assess each proposed path to poverty reduction, from traditional foreign aid to improved education and job training, economic development to microfinance. They offer crucial new insights into why so many anti-poverty programs fail--and propose a new paradigm that can achieve far better results. You'll learn how to apply advanced marketing strategies and techniques to systematically put in place the conditions poor people need to escape poverty. Through more than 25 real case studies and examples, you'll learn how these marketing techniques can help promote health, education, community building, personal motivation, and more. Major sections cover:

Alan Andreasen, Georgetown University professor, writes in the foreword to this book: "What distinguishes this book from others in the field is its excellent combination of the conceptual and practical. Its core includes careful definitions and frameworks. Its structure follows the classical approach to devising and launching effective social marketing campaigns. Perhaps its greatest value lies in the rich trove of examples, checklists, and warnings that provide both students and practitioners the kind of hands-on guidance they need to do social marketing well. I urge both neophytes and experienced veterans to use this volume as a guide to creating powerful social marketing campaigns."

Each chapter examines a unique, current success story, ranging from anti-smoking campaigns to HIV-AIDS prevention; from promotions for health lifestyle to battles against obesity; and from public educational campaigns on hepatitis B to contraceptive social marketing. Contributing authors include leading social marketing scholars, seasoned social marketing practitioners, and longtime public health professionals.

Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for GoodBOOK DETAILPaperback: 584 pages Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; Fifth edition (January 14, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10:1452292140 ISBN-13: 978-1452292144 Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 2 pounds CustomerReviews:Book DescriptionTurning Principle into Practice Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good is the definitive textbook for theplanning and implementation of programs designed to influence social change. No other text is as comprehensive andfoundational when it comes to taking key marketing principles and applying them to campaigns and efforts to influencesocial action. Nancy R. Lee (a preeminent lecturer, consultant, and author in social marketing) and Philip Kotler (aninfluential individual in the field who coined the term "social marketing" in 1971 with Gerald Zaltman) demonstrate howtraditional marketing principles and techniques are successfully applied to campaigns and efforts to improve health,decrease injuries, protect the environment, build communities and enhance financial well-being. The Fifth Edition containsmore than 26 new cases highlighting the 10 step planning model, and a new chapter describing major theories, models andframeworks that inform social marketing strategies and inspire social marketers.

The International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) represents professionals from around the world who use social marketing to enable social change related to many issues, from education and health to civil society and the environment. iSMA includes both individual members and regional member associations in Africa, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.

Social marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good. Social marketing practice is guided by ethical principles. It seeks to integrate research, best practice, theory, audience and partnership insight, to inform the delivery of competition sensitive and segmented social change programs that are effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable.

iSMA is a federation of individuals and regional member associations. By becoming a member, you join a federation of social marketers from around the world, gaining access to resources such as blogs, conference discounts, listservs, newsletters, online training, free access to Social Marketing Quarterly, and our webinars. We currently have regional associations in Africa, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. We welcome new members. Click below to join our social marketing community.

iSMA is an all-volunteer organization, a collective of social marketers from around the globe who are working to advance the principles and practice of social marketing. We are always looking for new volunteers to join us, helping with everything from communications to social media and webinars.

iSMA provides international-based resources in social marketing practice; resources like webinars and newsletters, training, conference events, and partnerships, all of which ensure the accessibility of useful tools and contacts to our members in order to promote social marketing practice.

As regional and local social marketing associations have formed around the globe, implementing social marketing frameworks that incorporate vested behaviors to promote health, environment, policy, and finance improvements in their respective regions, the role of the International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) serves to connect and support each of these associations.

Ms. Lee has participated in the development of more than 250 social marketing campaign strategies for public sector agencies, and consulted with more than 100 nonprofit organizations . Clients in the public sector include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington State Department of Health, Office of Crime Victims Advocacy, County Health and Transportation Departments, Department of Ecology, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Washington Traffic Safety Commission, City of Seattle, and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Campaigns developed for these clients targeted issues listed below:

She has conducted social marketing workshops around the world (Uganda, Jordan, South Africa, Ghana, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Japan, Haiti) for more than 4,000 public sector employees involved in developing behavior change campaigns in the areas of health, safety, the environment, and financial well-being. She has been a keynote speaker on social marketing at conferences for public health, improved water quality, energy conservation, family planning, nutrition, recycling, teen pregnancy prevention, influencing financial behaviors, wildfire prevention, litter control, and foodwaste reduction.

Ms. Lee has coauthored eleven other books with Philip Kotler: Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life (2002); Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause (2005); Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance (2006); Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good (2008 and 2011); Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good (2016); GOOD WORKS! Marketing and Corporate Initiatives That Build a Better World... And the Bottom Line (2012); Up and Out of Poverty: The Social Marketing Solution (2009); Social Marketing in Public Health (2010); Social Marketing to Protect the Environment (2011); Success in Social Marketing: 100 Case Studies From Around the Globe (2022). She also authored a book Policymaking for Citizen Behavior Change: A Social Marketing Approach (2017) andhas contributed articles to the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Social Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Social Marketing, and The Public Manager. (See more on Nancy Lee at 2ff7e9595c


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